This is the Lagoon Nebula (M8) as seen through a hydrogen alpha narrowband filter. Hydrogen alpha is in the deep red portion of the visible spectrum and is commonly emitted by emission nebulae which are made of approximately 90% hydrogen. This image represents a compilation of 14 hours of imaging.
Technical Information
Date: June, 2014
Location: Green Valley, Arizona
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106EDX
Camera: SBIG STT-8300M
Filters: Astrodon Hydrogen alpha (5mn)
Mount: AstroPhysics 1200
Exposure: H alpha = 840 minutes unbinned
Software: Acquisition: Maxim DL 5, TheSkyX, Pinpoint, CCD Commander
Processing: CCDStack, PhotoShop CS6 with various plugins
Lagoon Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha